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    Branch Office Deposits - SOD Download

ATTENTION! The Summary of Deposits (SOD) application will be discontinued by the end of 2024. A new and improved SOD application is being developed and is available for preview now. Explore the latest beta version of the application here. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
The SOD download offers 2 options - the National download which contains the entire SOD file and the custom state download.

Please note that for the state downloads, all variables are available, however, the variables have been split into 3 groups - branch/office, institution and bank holding company. Be sure to change the drop box to select from the other groups.

Clicking on any of the information icons information will provide definitions for the selected variables. For further assistance, see SOD Download Help
SOD variables and definitions

Branch/Office Variable TitleVariable
Address (Branch)ADDRESBR
Main Office Designation FlagBKMO
Branch Office NumberBRNUM
Branch Service TypeBRSERTYP
Metropolitan Division Name (Branch)CBSA_DIV_NAMB
City (USPS) (Branch)CITY2BR
City (Reported)(Branch)CITYBR
FIPS Country Name (Branch)CNTRYNAB
County Name (Branch)CNTYNAMB
County Number (Branch)CNTYNUMB
Consolidated number(Branch offices)CONSOLD
Combined Statistical Areas (Branch)CSABR
Combined Statistical Area Name (Branch)CSANAMBR
Deposits (Branch)(in thousands of dollars)DEPSUMBR
Metropolitan Divisions Flag (Branch)DIVISIONB
Metropolitan Division Flag (Branch)METROBR
Micropolitan Division Flag (Branch)MICROBR
Metropolitan Statistical AreasMSABR
Metropolitan Statistical Area NameMSANAMB
Branch NameNAMEBR
New England City and Town Area Names (Branch)NECNAMB
New England City and Town Areas (Branch)NECTABR
Place NumberPLACENUM
State Code (Branch)STALPBR
State & County Number (Branch)STCNTYBR
State Name (Branch)STNAMEBR
State Number (Branch)STNUMBR
Unique Identification Number for a Branch OfficeUNINUMBR
Domestic Institution flagUSA
Zip Code (Branch)ZIPBR